As the Spring term gets under way, WISC has many things in store for the forthcoming academic year.

On Friday the 6th January the first week back for many of our schools, the general secretary and the Chair of WISC met with the Estyn for the first of our twice yearly meeting to discuss the Inspections under the new framework so far. Ideas were shared on areas in which both parties in the inspection can improve on.

This term also see the first WISC Workshop being held on Monday the 26th March at the Monkhouse Granary Conference Centre in Shrewsbury and you will receive presentations on Safeguarding, Asbestos and the Unique Learner Number.

Shortly WISC and ISTip will be meeting with WAG to discuss the controversial issue of NQT’S in Wales and the Induction process.

On the 12th October 2012 WISC are holding the second WISC/Estyn Meeting at the Metropole Hotel in Llandridnod Wells, so put this date in your diary. Joining details will be sent out nearer the time.