Cardiff Sixth Form College students have gained outstanding results this year with over half of all grades (58%) marked A* at A level.
Cementing its place as one of the top academic schools in the UK, half of all students (49.6%) achieved three or more A* grades with one third of the whole cohort (33.3%) achieving four or more A* grades this year. Six students gained at least five A* grades and one student from Cardiff, Cathy Lou, achieved a stunning six A*s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Chinese and has an offer to read Medicine at Hong Kong University.
87.5% of all students achieved three or more A grades in this year’s results and 107 students achieved all A*-A grades.
Results for top university entrance have also been excellent with 10% of the Cardiff Sixth Form College cohort achieving their places at Oxbridge. 12 out of 12 Oxbridge university offers were met with students studying a range of subjects including PPE, Medicine, Law, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Physics, French, Mathematics, Human, Social and Political Science, Psychology and Linguistics.
Over half of all students (55%) gained places at Russell Group universities and almost 40% achieved places at the coveted G5 universities – Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, UCL and Imperial College.
Some students have chosen also to study at overseas universities with 80% of all Cardiff Sixth Form College students winning places at the QS Top 100 universities in the world.
Particular success has been students winning places to study medicine with a quarter of the cohort (26%) going onto study the subject this year. Cardiff helps students prepare extensively for medical careers through their critical thinking, work placement, volunteering and super curricular programme.
“This has been another incredible cohort of Cardiff Sixth Form College students in 2024 who will be remembered for their work ethic and high standards which have been rightly recognised with outstanding results” said Principal Tom Arrand. “It is a privilege to work with such motivated and inspirational students, and the staff who have facilitated their success.”
Issued on behalf of Cardiff Sixth Form College. For more information please contact Henrietta Lightwood on 07788 289937 or by email